Perhaps the most exciting news to happen in September was the word we received from the New Zealand immigration office late in the month. Processing of our visa has begun, which to those familiar with immigration offices, is a big step! “Instead of sitting in a stack of papers, it is now sitting on the desk,” as one friend put it. Please pray for Michelle, our assigned immigration officer, that she would have grace to overlook any possible mistakes in our application and that she would approve our visas quickly. 

In a timely manner, we heard from two churches this past week that we were highlighted for prayer. Was this a coincidence that progress was made with our application simultaneously? We do not believe so. It never tires to get questions regarding our visa status, as that implies people are praying. We appreciate each time someone inquires!

This month we also had the privilege to attend one more Old Paths Conference at our home church. We heard great preaching but also had some time to catch up with many supporting pastors throughout the week. It was good to see many of you there and get updates to prayer requests you have and news from your churches.

Another opportunity this month was to have lunch with Bro. and Mrs. Bosje, Director of FBMI and former missionary to New Zealand. We appreciate every opportunity we have to gain the knowledge of a veteran missionary, especially specific to our field. 

Pastor Fraser (with whom we will be working upon arrival to the field) gave us an update regarding the potential meeting-place upgrade for the church. He met with the decision maker from the college and had a favorable response. The goal is to begin meeting there in December.

Lastly, one particular salvation testimony comes from last Saturday. I met 28-year old Edgar who rode our church bus as a child but had since returned to his parents’ Catholic church. Upon hearing the Gospel however, he commented, “This just makes a lot of sense!” After accepting Christ he stated that this was the easiest decision he has ever made in his life. Praise the Lord for the simplicity of the Gospel! Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness in service where God has placed you.

God Bless,
Josh, Alyse, and Bentlee Szwarga

Next UpdateJanuary 2023