Josh & Alyse Szwarga

Independent Baptist Missionaries to New Zealand

About Us

Josh and Alyse met in 2015 while attending Providence Baptist College in Elgin, IL. Both of them had a burden for the mission field through their teen years, and Josh was called to the mission field at the age of 11. In 2018, their pastor, Dr. Keith Gomez, returned from a short trip to New Zealand and briefly spoke on the need for church planters in New Zealand. Through this simple comment, along with much prayer, the Lord burdened their hearts specifically for the people of New Zealand. Seeking God's will, they embarked on a survey trip in November 2019.

After driving over 2,400 miles throughout the island, seeing the mission field ready to harvest and meeting with over a dozen like-minded pastors, it became clear that New Zealand is God's will for them. Shortly after returning, God gave 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 to Josh and Alyse as His confirmation on His calling.

They continued their work and ministry at Northwest Bible Baptist Church through the Fall of 2020, when they embarked on the deputation trail. Through the deputation process, God added Bentlee to the family in June 2021. God also provided the necessary support while allowing Josh and Alyse to see His hand of Providence every week while traveling. Countless miracles and answers to prayer along the way provided a strong foundation to begin their ministry in New Zealand. After twenty months of deputation they had successfully reached their financial goal and began the process of applying for entry into the country. Due to COVID regulations, the applications and approvals were delayed, which caused a five month delay from the end of deputation until they landed on the field in November 2022. During this delay they were given ample opportunities to serve at Northwest Bible Baptist Church.

Their arrival in New Zealand has been met with more blessings, answers to prayer and miracles as God works through the prayers and financial support of the churches in America. Ministries of Grace Independent Baptist Church have been growing over the past year prior to their arrival, with many young families giving the church a bright future under Pastor Dan Fraser. They have had opportunities to minister through the youth group, out-of-town Bible studies, discipleship lessons, soulwinning, and preaching. Near future opportunities like a preacher boy training and the nationwide John and Romans Project will be great foundational assets to their church planting ministry.

As a continuation of their work at Grace Independent Baptist Church in Tauranga, they are now working towards the launch of Heritage Baptist Church of Matamata. This church plant is a joint effort with Fellowship Baptist Church of Hamilton. Through the Gospel of John: Matamata publication and various other opportunities, God has opened the door very clearly to advance the vision of seeing churches planted throughout New Zealand.

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:4-6

Josh's Testimony

I grew up attending Northwest Bible Baptist Church in Elgin, IL. I received my education through Northwest Baptist Academy and Providence Baptist College, graduating with a degree in Missions.

When I was nine years old, during a church revival service, I trusted Christ. Many long-standing church members were saved that day, but I understood my personal need for salvation. Two years later, during our annual missions conference, God called me into missions. Although I didn't know where He would have me serve, it was clear that His will for my life would be in international mission work.

As a teenager, my goal was to prepare as best as possible for a future in ministry. I had the opportunity to serve in the bus ministry, nursing homes, public school teen outreach, soulwinning, music, A/V, missions trips and various other ministries. Shortly after graduating high school in 2015, I was hired by Northwest Bible Baptist Church, where I served on staff in the IT, graphics, and marketing department through 2020.

In college, I continued serving in the various ministries mentioned previously. I'm thankful that God has given us clear leading for ministry in New Zealand as we seek to serve Him.

Alyse's Testimony

At the age of 5, in the quietness of my parent's home, I trusted Christ as my savior. Being so young it was still so clear to me I was a sinner and because of that I needed Jesus to save me.

I grew up in a Christian home and very involved with anything to do with our church and the Lord. If it was cleaning the pews or being a puppet for VBS our family was there. Around my junior year of high school I started questioning and doubting my salvation. After a couple of months I got it settled while at a youth rally.

My senior year of high school while at a week long youth conference the Lord laid on my heart the idea of missions. I surrendered to go if He ever called myself or my husband. Not knowing that that same week my future husband was on a missions trip in Africa asking the Lord to show him if Africa is where himself and his family would serve as missionaries.

We are very excited to see where the Lord will lead us as Missionaries to New Zealand!

First Term Goals

Integrate into Kiwi culture

Although much like the United States, the culture of everyday living in New Zealand has challenges not found in the United States. Before launching out with our own church plant, we need to learn the culture and the people.

Work with a veteran pastor

We have the unusual opportunity of working with a pastor who was born and raised in New Zealand, and reached by an American missionary. Learning ministry in New Zealand from a veteran pastor will bring an invaluable perspective in our mission work.

Begin a church plant

Our goal is to plant a church in a neighboring town, and eventually, see churches planted in larger cities lacking gospel-preaching churches. Our long-term focus would be the regions of Hawke's Bay and Gisborne.

John & Romans Project: Part 2

Receiving the second container of John & Romans would fulfil distribution to the remaining rural regions of New Zealand and would begin the urban areas of Christchurch and Wellington.

Identify a second church plant location

Through prayer and counsel, God led us to Matamata to begin Heritage Baptist Church in 2024. As He leads through the open doors, we will seek the next location God has planned for us to launch another gospel-preaching church.

Get involved in our ministry in New Zealand.

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Our Beliefs

We believe that God is one God with three distinct persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We believe He is eternal and that He created the world in six literal days. Because of man’s sin, He sent His Son Jesus to earth. Living a perfect life, He gave His life willingly on the Cross to pay for the sins of all men for all time.

Only by putting our faith in His death, burial and resurrection can we have the secure hope of eternal life. Once born again, the Bible commands that we should be baptized by immersion and become a part of a local assembly of called out believers – the church.

As a church, we are distinctly and historically Baptist. We are to follow God’s Word in all matters of faith and practice. We use the King James Bible as it is pure, preserved and inspired for our daily benefit and obedience. Living a life for Christ is not easy. We are to live holy and set apart from the world so that Christ’s love and glory can shine through us.

We are to be engaged in active ministry by preaching the Gospel to everyone. Because we believe in the imminent return of Christ, we must do our part to fulfill the Great Commission. Our purpose on earth is to tell others about the great love that only Jesus gives.