Throughout October, we visited twelve churches in eight states. On the two evenings we weren’t in church, Bentlee was confused why he wasn’t in the nursery! Our busiest month will be followed by a much calmer November. Even though there’s nine churches on the schedule, we aren’t in any multi-day meetings until the end of January.

At the beginning of the month, while in Utah, we met a man who grew up in New Zealand. Although no one in his family is a Christian, he heard about Christ after finding a gospel tract on the school bus. This prompted him to purchase a Bible and then trust Christ after reading the Scriptures! Unfortunately, he couldn’t find a gospel-preaching church in his area until moving to the United States. This was an encouraging testimony about the life-changing power of the Word of God, even through a simple gospel tract in the home of an atheist! It’s exciting to consider the possibility of distributing the Word of God in New Zealand!

That same week, after preaching and presenting our ministry, the pastor announced they would be partnering with us. Shortly after the service, a member approached the pastor and decided he would increase his faith-promise enough to cover the monthly amount! This month was overflowing with financial blessings and answers to prayer, far too many to list here, but recorded elsewhere to remember how God has worked so providentially. 

Ar our final conference of the month, there were several in attendance with over forty years of experience in mission work. What an opportunity to gain valuable advice from these veterans through their preaching and one-on-one counsel!  The sacrifice was evident at this church, not just financially, but through their time and their lives. 

The most recent witnessing opportunity came while we were given a shopping spree from a youth group. The cashier at the clothing store started the conversation and through a group effort she trusted Christ!

Continue to pray that the proper visa application office would reopen so that our application can be submitted without delay when the time comes.

God Bless,
Josh, Alyse, and Bentlee Szwarga

Next UpdateJanuary 2023