The theme of April and May has been visitors returning. Whether it is the church services or youth group, there is a consistency from the newer attendees for several months now. One couple had a memorable testimony while visiting them: “The two distinctions that set your church apart from all others we have visited is the authenticity of your people and the conviction in our hearts to change something after every message.” Another man appreciated the attention given to his spiritual needs as soon as he walked in to the fellowship of our church, having been left to figure it out on his own by previous churches.

If you recall, earlier this year the church transitioned from letterboxing (leaving church flyers in mailboxes) to doorknocking. There is an average involvement of 14 members each week. After only a few weeks, a member led an 89-year old woman to Christ and there have been visitors to church as well. One visitor from last Sunday had received a flyer in his mailbox. Pastor Fraser quickly learned that the man faithfully live-streams the services of North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, one of our supporting churches! Coincidentally this happens to be Pastor Fraser’s usual go-to live stream. The man was shocked to hear of the connection, and equally enjoyable was to learn that Bentlee had put the flyer in his mailbox!

Also this month, we began services at a second retirement center. While my brother Joel was visiting in March, he and Pastor Fraser met an employee of this retirement center while soulwinning. Soulwinning doesn’t always just result in the direct salvation of souls! She requested us to hold a service as they were seeking a strong preacher. There were forty in attendance and a resounding excitement after the message with many noting this as the first time the gospel has been preached in this place.

This past week held exciting news for the nationwide John and Romans Project. The first shipment is officially en route, scheduled for arrival in August. Distribution is set for September and October throughout most of the North Island, prioritizing rural regions. This shipment will cover 22% of the country’s population that is reachable by this mail service, which equates to roughly 388,000 homes. Those that have followed this project closely will remember that the key to this distribution is the ability of the recipient to initiate a follow-up conversation with a counselor immediately via instant messenger. This will give us the opportunity to engage with those who are seeking but also to gauge the effectiveness of this method. If you are interested in assisting with this project, checks can be sent to our mission board address below with “Szwarga Project” in the memo line.

We are aware of many June ministries occurring in your churches and are in prayer for those camps, VBS, mission trips, and revivals.

Thank you for praying,
Josh, Alyse, Bentlee and Raelynn Szwarga

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