The momentum of ministry in Tauranga was continually increasing as our short U.S. visit approached. As comforting to the ego as it is to be considered vital or essential, we praise the Lord that is not the case for us at Grace Independent Baptist Church of Tauranga. Pastor Fraser has been wisely guiding the church to bear the ministry gaps that have been opened. From our communication with the church family in recent days, God’s hand of blessing is on the church more than ever! The week that we flew out, Pastor Fraser drove four hours to witness to a young couple who called him to come and show them the gospel. They trusted Christ together that night. Other family members have taken notice of the effort and passion of someone willing to carry the truth to that extent. The church family has seen visitors, salvations, and more involvement in the outreach.

Another testimony comes from a member who has been passionate in his witness since his salvation last year. Not having had much fruit yet, all within this month family and friends have taken steps towards Christ. Pray for the salvation of John, Reet, Leanne, Karen, Shane, and Coral.

Since our flight back to the States, God has provided for every need and has blessed us with divine appointments in witness and ministry. In the first week of our return, I (Josh) had the opportunity to attend and assist with the Midwest Christian Boys’ Football Camp in Dwight, IL. God blessed the preaching with 29 young men surrendering to God’s call to the mission field. I was privileged to pray with several of them during the services. Can boys and teens be called by God at such early ages? My personal testimony of God calling me at age eleven settles the question for me!

Other opportunities stateside include preaching in various ministries, and joining in regular organized soulwinning times. It has been a refreshing time also while visiting with family and friends as we prepare to plant Heritage Baptist Church of Matamata, NZ in November.

Possibly our most exciting project to date is the Gospel of John that has been produced for the upcoming church plant. This is a first class, innovative product that will be hand-delivered to every family in our city as we launch the church. This gift has the potential to open many doors of opportunity to pray with the family, invite them to church, start a relationship, and most importantly, open their heart to the Word of God and the message of the gospel. This printed piece contains the text of the Gospel of John, a timeline and history of the area’s Christian heritage, exclusive, professional photography of the local area, and a summarized gospel message. For a video demonstration of the Gospel of John, see the link below.

When we arrive in New Zealand in early October it will be “pedal to the metal” to relocate to Matamata, organize canvassing and distribution of the Gospel of John, and begin ministering to the existing Christians and contacts in town. Please pray for the area of Matamata to be softened to the gospel, open doors of witness, and also our housing needs.

One final note for prayer regarding the John and Romans shipment: It has been delayed in Southeast Asia. This may be God’s plan as we have had difficulty with customs paperwork and the extra time has been accommodating. Pray for wisdom on the paperwork as we learn best practices for future shipments as well.

Thank you for praying,
Josh, Alyse, Bentlee and Raelynn

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Next UpdateSeptember 2024