On the heels of the BTI team leaving, we had a welcome visit from more friends, this time from Elgin. On their first day in the country we hosted our third church outreach. Jonathan, one day into his first visit to New Zealand, was paired up with Eathan who was participating in outreach for his first time. They made a great team! The first part of this year has been busy with visitors from the States, but the evidence of fruit in the ministry shows it is “but God that giveth the increase.”
It certainly has been a time of reaping the “firstfruits…in Christ” here in Matamata as there is a general hunger for the simple gospel message and simple doctrinal preaching. In addition to the simplicity of the message, Pastor Fraser in Tauranga has increasingly been a mentor in confrontationally and expectantly giving the gospel, as reality often meets expectations, whether high or low. “According to your faith be it unto you.”
Eathan, mentioned above, has been attending with his family now for one month. He has begun discipleship with his wife, who trusted Christ during our first lesson earlier this month! (He was saved several years ago but never discipled.) I know they would appreciate your prayers as they eagerly witness, grow in the Lord, and remain faithful in serving God.
A brief update on the Gospel of John deliveries which we began in early November: we have been to almost half of the homes since then, delivering roughly 25% of the Gospel of John books. There has been an uptick in distribution as more have joined in the effort and I would estimate finishing our first canvass in 4 months. We will then re-canvass those who didn’t answer in an effort to achieve as close to full distribution as possible. Besides visitors to church, we have had great responses to this project. There have been many opportunities to witness when the door would have been most obviously closed otherwise. There was one home that was re-visited accidentally and the agnostic lady clearly had been reading her copy that was on her table and it resulted in a positive visit. We are encountering more individuals who are expecting their copy now as word spreads about it. Continue to pray for long-term fruit from the Gospel of John books as they are received with gladness and read for many years, long after we no longer have an influence in this town.
In the middle of March, we will begin teaching through our church’s Articles of Faith and Constitution in anticipation of officially chartering the church in several months. We are thrilled that God has brought a number of families into the fold who are committed to being a part of the church chartering, in addition to those who God allowed us to start with in November. Please be praying for our future charter members that God would continue to grow their faith through this big step as a church family.
Lastly, a word of appreciation for one of our supporting churches donating project funds for three months of Gospel Film distribution on streaming services and additionally distribution of John and Romans booklets (of which our second shipment arrives this year.) In a country of 5.5 million, that is a massive impact for the sake of the gospel here!
Thank you for praying,
Josh, Alyse, Bentlee and Raelynn Szwarga